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Inspired by “House of Song “

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This piece of art was inspired by the amazing singer/songwriter ‘MARCIA HOWARD’ who is the founder and owner of her ‘House Of Song Show ‘ which was co written with Sherri McIver and Ian Roberts. Marcia was also an original member of the Iconic Australian band ‘Goanna’ of which her brother, Shane, was the songwriter of the famous song ‘Solid Rock’. Over the years of Marcia being one of the youngest female musicians in her time with the band, Goanna, she has since then created her own current journey and established herself as her own ‘One-Woman Show- The  House Of Song Show’. Marcia has gone on to write some amazing and captivating songs for her ‘House Of Song Show’ that are truley deep reaching, both inwardly and outwardly, as she explores family and place, politics and our relationships, and her young years when growing up in a house full of musicians, a large family of multi-talented musicians, all of who provided music for their community over many years. Alot of  Marcias own songs also captivate the lands of Australia, her Irish Herritage and the influence both of these have had on her own life and her music career. Marcia has also had a range of Solo CDs recorded in Australia, Ireland and Nashville. Her songs have been recorded by international Artists with some of these being Mary Black, The Irish Symphony Orchestra and A Womans Heart CD all of which are available on all Download Platforms .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Having personally seen Marcia perform live, and with myself owning a copy of  all of her C.D.s, I can honestly say……..

“MARCIA HOWARD has the voice of an angel , wings to match and a heart of gold.”

Definitely recommend to see her perform live …and her range of C.D.s are a must.

Go to



to find a list of upcoming performances, Dates, Times and addresses.


Marcia Howard

