Inspired By ” Marina De Giovanni “

SKU: BC/NFS005 Tags: , , ,

We love working with Brands directly and promoting both their products and businesses. For further information on future Brand Collaboration feel free to contact me directly.

Marina De Giovanni is an amazing, self driven girl who just takes the world by storm as a public figure, influencer /advisor, blogger and generally an empowerer  of women!!! Marina is also the founder of her website “Not a Model: Australian Fashion and Beauty Blog” and her Instagram Platform “@marinadegiovanni”

Marina also creates “on line courses”covering various topics such as

“growing your instagram “…..

” Back Yourself Brigade”……

 “Influencer Courses”……..

 “Social Media Quick Grow”……

 thats just to name a few…….

Just love Marinas courses as they are extremely  informative, easy to follow and she is readily available, along with her “A team staff,” ready to answer any questions or queries. So, totally recommend that you check out Marinas blog at…

and her instagram platform at …


and set yourself up to fly into a successful, fun filled future.